Friendship 4ever

Friendship 4ever

Another gathering today...the same day, tuesday, after Mr.Pang (taxation lecturer) usuall...we went to Chun Heng hostel before our dinner...haha...all of us hang up on there while waiting the time for dinner...When we reached the restaurant, only i know i went there before with my cousin...we hang up there around 2 or 3 hours.. we enjoy taking photo more than having our we celebrate Yue Hung And Mei Mei birthday but Mei Mei does not come...coz sick liao...haiz...anyway...we really enjoy this gathering and we known this meal as the last meal before exam...sound weird=.=hohoho...

Test the knife 1st before eating...haha

Take photo only mah...still wanna to kill me...=.=

The boyz...our PaPa is wearing tissue while eating...

OMG...Finally...i can hold baby...damn like baby...
when wanna to have a baby with me...dear...hohoho

Damn lucky lar...vivian...u can take photo with we all...
actually should be make appointment 1st before taking photo
with we all de...but 2day u are the lucky one...haha

Showing photo here to warning u all...dont sharing drink or food
with others to prevent sacrifice we showing this photo...

Non-stop taking photo...=.=

okok...lets have a rest only continue eating...

The Puchong Team...

Friend 4ever....i love u all...

date Tuesday, August 18, 2009

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