Friendship 4ever

Friendship 4ever

Finally...i have finished my last assignment with my groupmate...this assignment (macroeconomy) made us so stress and took us quite a long time to complete it. And even do it until 5am as i mention earlier...haiz....but, finally we have happy and organize some small gathering with my college friend but could not make a trip with them...because next challenge is waiting us which is Final all of us have to do revision...actually i not very confident on this sem de subject...because it is law, tax, FA3...this 3 subject can enought to kill me alrealdy...hope still can maintain my cgpa lar....haiz...finished assignment was only a little happiness and another nightmare is coming...gam bah teh my friend...after the final exam...we must play till crazy and non-stop.......!!!!!!!!!!!

date Thursday, August 13, 2009

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