Friendship 4ever

Friendship 4ever

Another morning...felt sleepy...many things around my brain: assignment, revision, final exam, work and more and more...2 days ago...because of rushing macro assignment, after finish my work at "Gau Ren Guan" and yam cha with my secondary friend and after that straight away sitting infront of computer started too do my macro assignment...i started by 12.00am to 5 am...wanna to tell u all...i really really tired and this is my 1st time i rush my assignment till so late...i never try before...sure next day tired like hell lar...but...nightmare never stop at all...lots of things waiting me to complete...i really cant imagine how next semester will be....haiz....SO>>>what i want is RELEXX RELEX and RELEX...PLAY PLAY PLAY...organize lots of event with my college friend and my dear to release my stress on study...HOHOHO....

date Monday, August 10, 2009

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