Friendship 4ever

Friendship 4ever

Yahoo!!! finally finished the exam although it was just only 3 days...but it was damn STRESS!!! was over...i went to Neway with my lovely friends after the last paper, Business Law yesterday. We enjoy having fun there...singing...singing and singing...haha...the boys purposely choose difficult Jay Chou song and we used shout to sing the song rather than sing properly...haha...the excited part was a glass has been broken by me while singing Michael Jackson song- Earth song...because of copying what Michael Jackson act within the dont have to pay for it...Today...what a boring day...actually is not that fun staying at home when holiday time...i prefer go to college, because at least can chating with friends and have fun with is much better than staying at home for doing idea of what can do during the following days...something that i really unhappy was the college camp has been cancelled...if not it was an event during the choice...haha...zzzZZZ

date Friday, September 11, 2009

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