Friendship 4ever

Friendship 4ever

It was another saturday...dropping blog at the midnight...and today suppose is sunday liao...a new day can counted as unhappy day...first, my grandmother went to my cousin house at the afternoon and i miss her a comfortable and feel safe when u are beside me...but i will keep contact with my grandmother at least 3 times a week...another unhappy thing was could not meet my dear because she back to hometown...haiz...seem like peopls who very close to me have leave me alone...felt usual is a working day for me...a bit of lucky was a heavy rain when working time...haha...damn few customers lar...and my father fetch me back for today...luckily...^.^Another thing...i dont know when i have the habit of go for bed around the time 2 to 3 am...i dont like this habit but i really cant sleep at 12am or before 12...maybe because of the computer...attract me to online...haha...facebook has slowly become a part of my life....could not sleep or live without it...haha...

date Saturday, September 19, 2009

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