Friendship 4ever

Friendship 4ever

This was the fourth semester for my Diploma in accounting...while studying and playing, 1 year of my college life has passed...and 2 more semester to go. Still remember i keep argue since the first day i enter the college...but i have change my mind now...i wanna to stay more longer...T.T... I hate work...damn suffer lar...could not tahan liao although it is only a part time job for me...hohoho...oh ya...back to the title...^.^erm...still ok lar...back to college...because can start chat with my DIA gang...haha...but the thing that i dislike which is have to attend Mr.Pang class 4 times a week...T.T...anyway...we are planing some activities to have some fun for the fist 2 week of the new semester...if make it during the middle of the semester, we will become more lazy...haha...because a lot of assignments are waiting for us to complete...haiz...The first activity maybe will go to Ampang for steamboat and we need Alex to show the way to there...thus, Alex is our 'road map'... hehe...but we could not meet him up during the first week...he went to trip good...yaya...and next week will have a birthday celebration with my dear...hohoho...anyway...we should do some revision although it is first week...because a lot of activities are waiting for us mah...all my friend...gam bah teh ya...^.^Y

date Thursday, October 1, 2009

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