Friendship 4ever

Friendship 4ever

Around 7pm+...i pick my dear go to sunway by my little Kelisa...erm...the journey from Puchong to Sunway was quite smooth lar...out of my expectation...i though i would stuck in the jam...quite lucky de...haha...Around this few months...i go for steamboat with my dear or friends more than 3 times liao...wah seh...and this time we went to the same Steamboat Restaurant "Tasty pot" for our dinner...ya...i very satisfy of full and most of the food that we took was sea food...i think it worth lar...haha...

The most crazy and funny part is i will have another steamboat with my friends for birthday celebration...wah...i will be bankrupt soon...T.T

date Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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